Honduran Pine Stakes
The benefits of using wood tomato stakes are many and farmers have learned to depend on this simple technology. As you know, staking is done to support tomato vines, to keep fruit clean and to reduce ground rots. Other benefits of wood stakes include easier harvesting, better fungicide coverage, less foliar disease, larger fruit size, and substantially higher marketable yields. It’s a great idea made even better with Intergro stakes, the most durable preserved Honduran Pine tomato stakes in the market.
Domestic pine stakes, like southern yellow pine, tend to warp easily and break due to excessive knots. Hard woods like oak shatter all too easily when driven and cannot be treated for preservation. Honduran Pine is the ideal wood for the job. Honduran Pine grows slowly producing a higher density. It resists warping and shattering and is easily treatable for preservation.

All stake suppliers are not the same. Intergro is the only supplier of Honduran Pine Stakes who is completely vertically integrated. In 2004 we invested in Honduras by building a treating plant on the North Coast. We track and control quality from the time the stakes are sawn until they are put into the field where you will frequently see us.
All Stakes are not the same either. Every stake that Intergro ships has been individually dried to a moisture content below 25% before it is treated allowing for full penetration of the preservative. If this step is not taken, preservatives cannot penetrate into the wood and the stake will have a much shorter lifespan, as short as 1 year. We are the only supplier who dries all of our stakes.
After drying, our stakes are treated against decay. The preservative we use in all our stakes is micronized copper and tebuconazole. These are arsenic-free chemical solutions which are effective against almost all types of fungi and insects. After treatment, the wood is safe to handle and to grow on and will not significantly leach into soils. The treatment levels we use are sufficient to protect the stake for up to 10 years against fungal decay and insects, however, the expected life of most stakes is 4-6 years due to weathering and rough handling.
At Intergro, our goal is to have the wood stakes you need when you want it. That is why we inventory all of the standard wood stake sizes for round, roma, cherry and grape tomatoes, as well as peppers and squash. Year round we can ship usually within 24 hours 24″, 48″, 54″, 60″, 72″ and 84″ stakes in various dimensions. In the event that you require a different size, we will gladly custom design a wood stake for your individual needs. Please allow 4-6 weeks for custom orders.
For more more information please watch the following video: