Team Intergro
Ramón Álvarez, Country Manager
Ramon holds a degree from the Pan American University of Honduras in agronomy. He also has two Bachelor’s degrees associated with forestry management from Stephen F. Austin State University (Texas) and Oregon State University. Ramon has extensive experience in forestry and wood production. He worked 5 years as a large saw mill manager in the private sector. Later he worked for many years with the US government as Forestry Advisor to USAID. Before joining Serproma, Ramon served for three years as the Minister of Forestry (Cohdefor) which is a cabinet level position reporting to the President of Honduras.
Ramon has consulted for Intergro since the 1970s and has been a friend of the CEO for over 20 years. Ten years ago he was hired on a part time basis as the company’s sourcing manager. In 2015, he took the full time reigns as Country Manager. In that capacity he has completely transformed the company, our processes and consequently the financial performance of the company. He is a very trusted and valued member of the management team.